1.5 Collaboration
Effective September 2015; Revised June 2022
A regulated member of ACSLPA works collaboratively to facilitate the delivery of quality client-centred services.
To demonstrate this standard, the regulated member will:
a) Work collaboratively and respectfully with the client, cultural facilitators or liaisons, interpreters and/or translators to facilitate an integrated, client-centered approach to services.
b) Consult with others and refer to the appropriate professional when clients’ needs fall outside their scope, area of expertise and/or competence.
c) Collaborate and contribute actively with team members to facilitate an integrated approach to services.
d) Actively engage with relevant team members, including the client, to share in decision making, prevent misunderstandings, manage differences and take positive action to mitigate/resolve any conflicts which may arise.
e) Serve as an educator and/or mentor to clients, students, colleagues, the public and others by contributing as appropriate to teaching/learning strategies.
f) Know and explain to others, when appropriate, their scope of practice, roles and responsibilities.
g) Understand and seek clarification, when required, regarding the scope of practice and roles of other team members.
Expected Outcomes
Clients can expect that the regulated member works collaboratively to facilitate an integrated approach in the provision of quality services.
Client refers to “a recipient of speech-language pathology or audiology services, and may be an individual, family, group, community or population. An individual client may also be referred to as a patient.”
Client-centered services refer to “a partnership between a team of health providers and a client where the client retains control over their care and is provided access to the knowledge and skills of team members to arrive at a realistic team shared plan of care and access to the resources to achieve the plan.”
Collaboration refers to “an approach that enables health care providers to deliver high quality, safe, person centered services to achieve the best possible individual health outcomes. Collaborative practice is not the goal in and of itself: rather, it is a means to move the system to a higher level of quality and safety while maintaining a focus on the needs of the individual seeking health services.”
Competence/competent/competency refers to “the combined knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgment required to provide professional services.”
Cultural facilitator or liaison refers to “any member of a local cultural association who can serve as a bridge between healthcare professionals and individuals from equity seeking groups accessing care (the facilitator does not need to be within the healthcare realm themselves, e.g., Elders, religious leaders etc.). Specific services can include providing advice and consultation on appropriate services and supporting the provision of holistic services to individual clients.”
Quality services refers to “services in the health care system as measured by accessibility, acceptability, appropriateness, efficiency, effectiveness, and safety factors”.
Regulated member refers to “an individual who is registered with ACSLPA in any of the regulated categories of membership prescribed by ACSLPA Bylaws, the Health Professions Act and our Regulations.”