♦ for audiology and speech-language pathology applicants from non-Canadian accredited programs, and
♦ for members who have not practiced for a period greater than five years.
Applicants trained outside of a Canadian accredited program seeking to become a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (R.SLP) or Audiologist (R.Aud) in Alberta must pass an approved entry-to-practice examination. Regulated members who have not practiced for a period greater than five years must also successfully complete an approved entry-to-practice examination.
The examinations currently approved by ACSLPA for registration are:
- The Praxis Examinations for Audiology (Praxis exam 5343 – minimum pass score is currently set at 160) and Speech-Language Pathology (Praxis exam 5331- minimum pass score is currently set at 159);
- The Canadian Entry-to-Practice (CETP) Examinations for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, administered by Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) (minimum pass scores are determined in conjunction with each sitting of the exam); and
- The SAC Certification Examination for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. The SAC exams were retired in March 2020; however, ACSLPA will accept results from past sittings provided results were obtained within 5 years of the application for registration.
ACSLPA’s Registration Committee approved the Praxis Exams, administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) in September 2020, after a comprehensive suitability assessment process. See Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below for more information about this process and considerations related to use of an American exam in a Canadian context.
ACSLPA’s Registration Committee approved the CETP exams, administered by SAC in January 2022. The decision to approve these exams was based on updated exam information that was provided by the administrator (SAC), including improved examination policies and procedures and examination data obtained from the two initial sittings of the CETP Exams.
Comparative information regarding the Praxis and CETP Exams is provided below:
Praxis Exams | CETP Exams |
To access the ETS website to register for the Praxis Exams please click here.
Additional information is also available at this website regarding exam availability, costs, etc. Registration instructions are available here.
To access information, including registration instructions, regarding the CETP exam administered by SAC, click here.
Refer to the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), for additional information regarding the entry to practice examinations.