How will I know if I have been referred for an interview?
It is anticipated that audits will be completed by ACSLPA’s Competence Committee in January and February each year. You will be notified via email (March-April each year) if you have been referred for an interview. This email will also provide you with more information about the interview process (e.g., what to expect, where to find more information, how to access your audit report, etc.).
NOTE: An audit report will be generated for each CCP submission that is completed, which will be available for viewing on ACSLPA’s online member portal system once the audit is completed. This report details the regulated member’s performance with each of the scoring rubric criterion.
How do I prepare for the interview?
Regulated members will only be interviewed for the CCP activity/activities that did not meet the audit rubric criteria. To prepare for the interview, regulated members should review their original written submission and their audit report to:
- Identify the CCP activity/activities that did not meet the audit rubric criteria,
- Identify which criteria were not met in their written submission, and
- Think of additional or clarifying information that can be discussed to help the
submission meet the criteria (e.g., additional learning examples or changes to practice
that occurred since engaging in the activity).
We recognize that being referred for an interview may bring up feelings of anxiety or stress for some regulated members. Regulated members can be assured that the interview is intended to be a supportive and positive process meant to provide an additional opportunity to demonstrate satisfactory and successful engagement in the CCP activities required by the College. Should regulated members, over the course of the interview, indicate that they have difficulties
engaging in the required CCP activities, the interviewer, in collaboration with the regulated member, can develop strategies or suggestions to improve the member’s completion of competence promoting activities. Being referred for the interview stage of the practice assessment should not be interpreted as a concern about the regulated member’s competence to practice or a concern about their professional conduct.
Regulated members are expected to cooperate with ACSLPA staff and their interviewer throughout the interview process, e.g., responding to the attempts to contact the member, and cooperating with the interviewer to find a mutually feasible time to conduct the interview.
What can I expect during the interview?
Regulated members will only be asked to discuss the CCP activity/activities that did not meet the audit rubric criteria. Interviews will be conducted by either an ACSLPA Advisor or a trained interviewer who has been recruited from ACSLPA’s practicing membership. It is anticipated that the interview will take no longer than one hour, and will take place via telephone or virtual meeting (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype).
During the interview, regulated members will be asked to provide further information to clarify or add additional detail to their written CCP submission. Members may be asked to provide further examples of how they met the rubric criteria for the CCP activities, and/or discuss their opportunities to engage in the CCP activities in general such as access to the continuing education or peers for practice support.
Do I have to inform my employer or clients that ACSLPA will be interviewing me as part of the CCP?
Regulated members are NOT obligated by ACSLPA to inform their employer, supervisor, colleagues, or clients that they will be participating in the interview phase of the ACSLPA CCP practice assessment. The College will not inform anyone other than the regulated member that they have been referred for an interview, and will not be seeking information from anyone other than the regulated member when conducting the interview.
How does the interview measure my competence to practice?
The overall goal of the CCP is to promote regulated members’ participation in activities that have been shown in the literature to maintain and enhance their competence to practice. As such, the interview, like the submission of the CCP activities themselves, is not considered a direct measurement of competence to practice or workplace performance. Instead, it is an indirect indicator of competence, as participation in the CCP activities indicates that a regulated member is taking steps to remain competent to practice and evaluates whether they do so satisfactorily.
When will I get the results of my interview?
The interviewer will not be able to tell the regulated member the results of the interview at the end of their discussion. Once your interviewer has completed your interview report, you will be notified via email, with the results of your interview (i.e., exiting the CCP, or being referred to the next stage of the practice assessment). All regulated members who complete an interview will be able to access a copy of their interview report, which details the regulated member’s performance on each of the scoring rubric categories.