Continuing Competence Program
Evaluation Rubrics
Continuing Education Report
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Regulated member did not provide sufficient identifying information for the two continuing education activities completed (i.e., title, date of completion, author/presenter, etc.) | Regulated member provided sufficient identifying information for the two continuing education activities completed (i.e., title, date of completion, author/presenter, etc.) |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Reflections do not include explanations of how the learning from the identified continuing education activities has been applied or will be applied in the regulated member’s professional practice (i.e. did not include specific examples of any changes in their knowledge, skills, attitudes, judgment, and/or practice). | Reflections includes explanations of how the learning from the identified continuing education activities has been applied or will be applied in the regulated member’s professional practice (i.e. includes specific examples of any changes in their knowledge, skills, attitudes, judgment, and/or practice). |
Peer Dialogue Reflection
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Regulated member describes an uncomplicated, straightforward situation, AND/OR
The situation described is unrelated to the regulated member’s profession/practice. |
Reflection is on a professional situation or event, AND
The situation described is related to the regulated member’s profession/practice. |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Choice of peer is inappropriate to the situation. Reflection does not explain how the peer’s skills, knowledge and expertise are relevant to the professional situation discussed. | Choice of peer is appropriate to the situation. Reflection explains how the peer’s skills, knowledge and expertise are relevant to the professional situation discussed. |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Reflection does not include an explanation of how the learning from the dialogue has been applied or will be applied in the regulated member’s professional practice (i.e. did not include specific examples of changes in their knowledge, skills, attitudes, judgment, and/or practice). | Reflection includes an explanation of how the learning from the dialogue has been applied or will be applied in the regulated member’s professional practice (i.e. includes specific examples of changes in their knowledge, skills, attitudes, judgment, and/or practice). |
Risks and Supports Profile
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Reflection on risk(s) to practice identified does not include an explanation of how each risk identified adversely impacts or could adversely impact the regulated member’s practice and/or service provision. | Reflection on risk(s) to practice identified includes an explanation of how each risk identified adversely impacts or could adversely impact the regulated member’s practice and/or service provision. |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Regulated member did not identify a support that they have in place or could put in place to mitigate the identified risk. | Regulated member identified a support that they have in place or could put in place to mitigate the identified risk. |