Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)/Physician-Assisted Death (PAD)

While speech-language pathologists and audiologists are not at the forefront in relation to MAID, there are times when speech-language pathologists and audiologists may become involved in the MAID process for clients. Communication impairments and swallowing disorders are common in the end-of-life population, hence SLPs and audiologists may be the first practitioners in which a client confides and expresses their wishes for MAID. They may also be called to support clients who have communication difficulties while undergoing a capacity assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner.

In any circumstance, SLPs and audiologists should be informed about their obligations regarding MAID. ACSLPA members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with existing information and resources, particularly if they work with individuals within the end-of-life population.

Recommended Resources

  • Members should consult with their employers regarding their organizational policies
    and procedures related to MAID.
  • Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) has developed a Resource Toolkit that ACSLPA members may find useful when involved with end-of-life clients.

ACSLPA members may also want to familiarize themselves with existing government resources and
legislation related to MAID:

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