Protected titles help the public identify qualified health professionals. Only regulated members are entitled to use protected titles and be identified as a member of their profession.

Under the HPA, the following protected titles and designations may only be used by regulated members of ACSLPA who hold a valid practice permit:

Speech-Language Pathologists


  • speech-language pathologist
  • speech therapist
  • speech pathologist
  • SLP
  • R.SLP
  • audiologist
  • Aud
  • R.Aud

Note: AuD designates a doctoral
degree in audiology.

 HPA, Schedule 28, Sec 2; The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation 18 (1-4).

SLPs and Audiologists who have met the requirements for registration and have the competence to provide professional services are listed on the College’s General Register [1] or Courtesy Register (For more information, see Module 2).

The HPA also protects the use of other words:

A person may not use these protected words, alone or in combination with any other words, to imply that they are a regulated member of a college when they are not.

[1] Regulated members on the General Register who do not hold a valid practice permit, i.e., those who are non-practicing, may use the protected titles of their profession followed by phrase “Non-Practicing”.

Protected Title Portability

Protected professional titles are NOT portable between provinces and countries. In Canada, only registration with a provincial regulatory body, like ACSLPA, allows a regulated member to use the protected titles of their profession and practice the profession. This authorization applies only in the province(s) in which the healthcare professional is registered.

Registration in one province or jurisdiction does not mean that a professional may work or use protected titles in another province or jurisdiction. To work (paid or unpaid) in another province in Canada, or in another country, professionals must apply to the authority that oversees their profession in that province or country. Membership with a provincial, national, or international association (e.g., Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC), American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA), Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA)) does not grant the right to use professional titles.

All SLPs and Audiologists are responsible for protecting the integrity of the profession by reporting any misuse of professional titles to the College. Verification of SLPs and Audiologists who are authorized to practice and use of the SLP and Audiology titles can be confirmed via the Public Register on ACSLPA’s website.

Additional Information

For more information, see ACSLPA’s advisory statement Using Your Professional Designation the Right Way.