Restricted activities are high-risk activities performed as part of a healthcare service; they require specific competencies and skills to be carried out safely. Under the HPA, restricted activities may only be performed by practitioners authorized by their regulatory college.

ACSLPA’s regulated members may only perform the restricted activities that they are authorized to perform and are competent to perform. The list of restricted activities authorized for SLPs and audiologists, under the HPA, is shown below.

Restricted Activities
Speech-Language Pathologists Audiologists
A speech-language pathologist who is a regulated member of ACSLPA is authorized to perform the following restricted activities in relation to or as part of providing a health service: An audiologist who is a regulated member of ACSLPA is authorized to perform the following restricted activities in relation to or as part of providing a health service:
  • to insert air under pressure into the ear canal;
  • to insert or remove instruments or devices beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow;
  • to insert or remove instruments, devices, or fingers beyond the pharynx;
  • to insert or remove instruments or devices into an artificial opening into the body;
  • to administer oral diagnostic imaging contrast agents.
  • to insert or remove instruments or devices beyond the cartilaginous portion of the ear canal.
  • to insert into the ear canal: liquid, air or gas under pressure;
  • to insert into the ear canal: a substance that subsequently solidifies.

ACSLPA’s Standards of Practice on restricted activities include minimum requirements for performing restricted activities, as well as supervising others performing restricted activities (e.g. support personnel, students). Regulated members are required to familiarize themselves and comply with these standards when performing restricted activities as part of their practice.

Additional Information

For more information on the minimum requirements for restricted activities, please see the following resources on the ACSLPA website:

Restricted Activities Competency Profiles

Standard Area 6.0 Restricted Activities