General Register Regulated Member – Practicing
About this category:

  • Required for speech-language pathologists and audiologists working in clinical, administrative, teaching, or research settings, including those volunteering in their profession in Alberta.
  • These regulated members are issued an annual Practice Permit (valid to December 31) and may use the protected titles of their profession.
  • These regulated members are able to vote and serve on the ACSLPA Council or committees.
  • These regulated members will receive ACSLPA communications.
To be a member under this category, you must:

  • Hold a master’s degree, or equivalent[1], in speech-language pathology or audiology.
  • Meet the current qualifications, good character, and English language proficiency requirements of ACSLPA.
  • Demonstrate you have the required level of Professional Liability Insurance.
  • Participate in the Continuing Competence Program.

[1] Qualifications determined to be substantially equivalent by the ACSLPA Registration Committee in accordance with section 7 of the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation.