The Code of Ethics (2017) project took 11 months to complete. A Code of Ethics Advisory Group (CEAG), composed of representative members of the two professions, was established to provide input into the process. The project involved the following five steps:
- Preparation of a background document that provided an environmental scan and included:
i) a literature review of current trends and best practices in the development of code frameworks;
ii) a comparison of codes used by selected health professions; and
iii) recommendations for a suitable framework for development of the ACSLPA Code. - Development of Draft 1 of the Code.
- Facilitation of a face-to-face meeting with the CEAG to review Draft 1 of the Code and develop Draft 2.
- Stakeholder validation of Draft 2 using an electronic survey.
- Creation of a final Code document and final report.
Revisions to the Code of Ethics (2021) involved a review by the Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Advisory Committee (ARADAC), by a focus group comprised of SLP and audiology regulated members and by ACSLPA staff, followed by a full member vetting process. An external stakeholder consultation was then facilitated by Alberta Health prior to final ACSLPA Council approval and adoption.