The designations/titles that can be used by registered SLPs and audiologists in Alberta are protected in legislation, as outlined in Section 128 and Schedule 28 (2) of the Health Professions Act (HPA). They are as follows:
- Speech-Language Pathologist: Speech-language pathologist, Speech therapist, Speech pathologist, SLP, R.SLP (registered SLP)
- Audiologist: Audiologist, Aud, R.Aud (registered audiologist)
Only individuals who are registered with ACSLPA can use these titles on their business cards, in written reports, on a website, or even when introducing themselves verbally.
SLPs and audiologists who are “non-practicing” do not have an active practice permit and are not allowed to work in their respective professions. They can, however, use the titles or designations listed above, followed by the term “Non-Practicing”: e.g., Jane Doe, R.SLP (Non-Practicing) or Bill Smith, R.Aud (Non-Practicing). Professionals who are on maternity leave, for example, or away from work on an extended leave might choose to register as non-practicing.