Complaints Against a Member

Further Information


This document is designed to provide a summary of the complaint process. Members of the public and ACSLPA members are encouraged to contact ACSLPA should they require further information regarding the complaint process. Further information regarding the ACSLPA’s information handling practices can also be obtained by reviewing ACSLPA’s Privacy Policy. In all cases, the HPA, the regulations under the HPA, the ACSLPA Bylaws, Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of the College take precedence. Members of the public and members of the College should obtain their own legal advice regarding specific interpretations of the HPA and regulations and the application of the process to their specific [...]

Further Information2019-04-12T09:41:09-06:00

Next Steps


The following provides a brief overview of what may occur next, depending upon the decision of the Complaints Director with respect to the action to be taken. Facilitated Resolution Certain types of concerns and problems are dealt with more effectively through discussion and resolution between the concerned parties. When appropriate, the Complaints Director will encourage the concerned parties to communicate with each other and resolve the issues surrounding the complaint. With the consent of both parties, the Complaints Director may also work with the parties in an attempt to resolve the complaint. The Complaints Director may also suggest to the [...]

Next Steps2019-04-12T09:40:11-06:00

Acting on a Complaint


Once a written complaint has been received by ACSLPA, the Complaints Director will undertake a formal review to ensure fairness to both the complainant and to the speech-language pathologist or audiologist. The review involves the following: The speech-language pathologist or audiologist in question will receive a copy of the written letter of complaint and be asked to provide a response. Additional information may be gathered through one or more of the following: Conversation with the complainant and speech-language pathologist or audiologist and other relevant parties; Contacting individuals or organizations who may have relevant information; and/or Review of client files/records. Even [...]

Acting on a Complaint2021-10-13T11:27:23-06:00

Filing a Complaint


Complaints must be submitted to the Complaints Director in writing. Written complaints must include the following: The name of the regulated (or former regulated) member involved; A detailed description of the key facts and events that occurred, including dates, times, location; Any other information/documents that support the allegations being made; and The name, signature and contact information of the person filing the complaint. ACSLPA encourages those making a complaint to fill out the Complaints Form which contains the minimum requirements to initiate a complaint. In circumstances where individuals are unable to use the Complaint Form, individuals may contact the ACSLPA Complaints Director [...]

Filing a Complaint2022-06-07T11:51:57-06:00



Under the HPA, employers have a legal obligation to inform a College if the employment of a regulated member is terminated, suspended, or if the member has resigned for reasons related to unprofessional conduct. For more information, please visit Mandatory reporting for employers.


Who Can Make a Complaint?


Any person who believes that a regulated member of ACSLPA has not provided professional services in a competent, safe or ethical manner, may submit a written complaint to the Complaints Director of the College. A person making a complaint may be: A patient/client or a member of their family; A regulated or former member of ACSLPA; Another health care professional; An employer; and/or A member of the public. A complaint may also be made about a former regulated member within two years of the date that the individual ceased to be registered with ACSLPA.

Who Can Make a Complaint?2019-04-12T09:33:48-06:00

Where to Begin


Any person who has a concern about the professional practice of a speech-language pathologist or audiologist is encouraged to first discuss their concern directly with that individual when appropriate. If the two parties are unable to find a mutually satisfactory solution and resolve their difficulties, then the person who has the concern may wish to pursue the matter with the supervisor or employer (if applicable) of the speech-language pathologist or audiologist. If the issue in question is still not resolved in a satisfactory manner or if the issue falls beyond what can reasonably be discussed with registered member, a formal [...]

Where to Begin2019-04-12T09:32:39-06:00
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