How to Submit a Complaint
Complaint Form
ACSLPA’s complaint form can be found here.
- Please complete this form. You can type into the fillable Adobe form or print and complete by hand.
- Sign, or electronically sign, the form.
- Attach any other information or documents you want to provide with your complaint.
- Email, fax or mail the completed and signed form to ACSLPA at:
Attention: Complaints Director
Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
#620, 4445 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, AB T6H 5R7
Fax: 780-408-3925
Email: complaintsdirector@acslpa.ca
Once your complaint form is received, a confirmation will be sent to you in 2-5 business days. After the complaint is reviewed, you will be contacted by ACSLPA to discuss it.
Frequently Asked Questions about Submitting a Complaint:
Any person may file a complaint about a speech-language pathologist or audiologist. This could include if you are a:
- Current or past client or patient;
- Family member, parent, friend or guardian of a client or patient;
- Colleague, co-worker or other regulated health care professional;
- Member of the public; or
- Employer.
Any complaint that is submitted will be received, and acted upon, through the complaint process described in Part 4 of the Health Professions Act.
If you are concerned about the practice of a speech-language pathologist or audiologist and wish to submit a complaint, please complete, sign and return the ‘Complaint Form‘.
The College can accept complaints about speech-language pathologists or audiologists who are registered with ACSLPA, known as regulated members.
The College can also accept complaints about speech-language pathologists or audiologists who were previously registered with ACSLPA if it has not been more than two (2) years since they were registered.
If you are unsure whether a speech-language pathologist or audiologist is registered with ACSLPA, please visit our Verify Registration webpage or contact the Complaints Director for assistance.
If you have a concern about a speech-language pathologist or audiologist registered in another province or another health care professional in Alberta, please contact the appropriate regulatory body.
If the person you have a concern about is not registered with ACSLPA, or any other regulatory body, but they provided you with a health service, please contact the Complaints Director to discuss whether the person is practicing without proper registration.
The Health Professions Act requires a complaint to be in writing and signed. The College encourages you to complete the form provided on our website. You may also provide your concerns in writing via email, fax or mail in a letter to the Complaints Director.
If you wish to discuss a concern or inquiry with the Complaints Director before submitting a complaint, please contact them here.
In some cases, speech language pathologists or audiologists who are registered with ACSLPA, other regulated health care professionals or employers are required to submit a complaint. Please see our information on mandatory reporting for more information.
The College can only accept a complaint form if it includes your name and signature.
If you need help submitting a complaint, for example the help of a translator, interpreter, or aide, please contact the Complaints Director to discuss options together. Your friends, family or a lawyer may also be able to help you fill out the complaint form.
Yes, the College will provide a copy of the complaint form, and any information provided with it, to the speech-language pathologist or audiologist to make them aware of the complaint and the concerns alleged against them so they may respond. Before the complaint form is shared with the speech-language pathologist or audiologist, your contact information is protected.
Filing a complaint is free of charge.
Please complete a separate complaint form for each speech-language pathologist or audiologist.
No, the College cannot accept complaints about a facility, clinic, hospital, school or other organization. We encourage you to contact the facility directly.
You can submit a complaint about the speech-language pathologist or audiologist who provided services at a clinic or school.
- Describe the incident(s) or your concerns.
- Provide the speech-language pathologist or audiologist’s name (and any other information you know about them).
- Provide your name, contact information, signature.
You may also include documents or other relevant information with the complaint form.
You may submit a complaint to the College with, or without, talking to the speech-language pathologist or audiologist.
The College encourages you to attempt to address your concerns with the speech-language pathologist or audiologist, or their employer, if you feel comfortable to do so.
Yes, you can make a complaint about your concerns or on someone’s behalf. However, if you file a complaint, you will be considered the complainant.
A “complainant” is the person who files a complaint. It is a formal term from the Health Professions Act. A complainant:
- Will be contacted by the Complaints Director to discuss the complaint and the complaints process.
- Will receive correspondence and status updates from the Complaints Director.
- If a complaint is investigated, may likely be interviewed and potentially provide documents.
- If a complaint goes to a hearing, may testify at the hearing.
- If a complaint is dismissed, may request a complaint review.
The complaint process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years depending on the circumstances and complexity of the complaint.
Each complaint is unique and is addressed individually. The Health Professions Act has more than one possible outcomes including:
- Resolution, through a conversation or agreement
- Dismissal
- Hearing
The complaints process cannot provide you:
- Money
- Directing a speech-language pathologist or audiologist to provide certain care to a patient or client
- Remedies or compensation that could be provided from a lawsuit in civil court
- Legal advice
The College encourages you to seek legal advice if you wish to do so.
Yes, if the speech-language pathologist or audiologist is registered with ACSLPA. For more information on complaints about virtual care, please contact the Complaints Director.
Information collected as part of the complaints process will be used by the College for business and regulatory purposes and may be disclosed only in accordance with the Health Professions Act and the Personal Information Protection Act.
This includes disclosure of relevant information in the complaint process to the speech-language pathologist or audiologist, such as the complaint form (and any information provided with the complaint) and information collected in an investigation, if applicable.
The College will communicate with you via email, unless another form of communication is preferable to you, and is committed to providing updates at least every sixty (60) days.