Continuing Competence Program

Tips for Success

Demonstrate a change in your practice

Select continuing education activities and peer discussions where you can demonstrate that a positive change occurred – where you learned something new or changed something in your practice as a result.

Avoid saying in your reflection that the activity/dialogue confirmed what you already knew – this will make it difficult for your reviewer to infer that your practice was positively impacted.

Be specific about your learning and/or changes to practice

Reviewers need to get a clear understanding of how your competence was affected by the CCP activities. Remember the components of competence:and be sure to give specific details about knowledge gained, how your skills were changed, or how your attitudes and judgement were positively affected by the continuing education activities, peer dialogue and risks and supports. The example submissions on ACSLPA’s website show the level of detail required in reflections.

Describe changes to your practice

Remember, we are focused on the changes and the steps you are taking to improve you practice.

Avoid reflections that talk about what your colleagues/peers/students/supervisees learned or changed over the course of your completion of the CCP activities, because this does not indicate to your reviewer how your own practice was impacted.

Be careful with acronyms!

Your reviewer may not be working in the same practice setting, with the same populations, or in the same practice areas as you and so they may not be familiar with the acronyms used in your environment. If using acronyms, please type the full label in the first instance of use, so your reviewer will have the context.