Registration Renewal2024-12-12T10:09:57-07:00

Under the Health Professions Act (HPA), a speech-language pathologist or audiologist must be registered and hold a valid practice permit in order to practice and use the protected titles of their profession in Alberta.

The ACSLPA registration year is from January 1 – December 31. Practice permits expire on December 31 of each year and must be renewed annually. Registrants will be informed by email of the online renewal process which begins in November and must be completed by December 31 of each year.

Registration Renewal Information and FAQs2023-10-26T15:01:05-06:00
I keep getting an error message on my employer information in the profile update.
  • Supervisor name and phone number are mandatory fields.
  • If you are your own supervisor use your own name and number in those fields or indicate N/A or self.
I just started a private practice – how do I enter my employer name?
  • Enter “private practice” (on the searchable list) as your employer name.
I am Non-Practicing but want to return to active practice later in the year, how should I proceed?
  • If you will be on a temporary leave during the first part of the registration year (e.g., maternity leave), you may wish to renew as a Non-Practicing member.
  • You will pay the registration fee as a Non-Practicing member. When you return later in the year, you will pay a practice permit fee for each month that you plan to work in the year.
  • You are not required to complete the Continuing Competence Program if you are renewing as Non-Practicing.
  • At least two weeks prior to your return to work in the registration year, use the Member Portal to apply for your practice permit.
  • Non-practicing members must verify that they meet current qualification hours and PLI requirements to acquire a practice permit.
I’m going on maternity leave in January, do I still need to renew?
  • If you will be on maternity leave for the entire month of January, you will renew using the “non-practicing” renewal button.
  • If you will be working at all in January, you will need to renew using the “General” renewal button.
I am renewing from Non-Practicing to Practicing. Why am I unable to enter my employment information?
  • You will be able to enter your pending employment information after January 1st.
I am leaving the college/retiring.
What should I do?
  • Please complete your renewal using the “archived” renewal button (you may need to scroll down to see the Archived button). This alerts the college that you do not intend to renew as practicing/non-practicing and will save you from reminder emails and ongoing follow-up from the ACSLPA office.
  • If you have been a member of ACSLPA in good standing, you may be eligible for the Retired/Honourary member register.  Please contact the ACSLPA office for further information.
    1-800-537-0589, 780-944-1609 or use the Contact Us form.
I receive an error message that my renewal can’t be processed at this time.
  • There are a few reasons your renewal might be “blocked.” Some of the more common reasons are:
    • You will not be able to submit an email change in the renewal process.
      • You may have insufficient hours.
      • You may have requested changes to your legal name.
      • You haven’t provided PLI information.
      • You haven’t completed your CCP requirements.
      • You are currently non-practicing (do not have a valid practice permit) and wish to renew for the upcoming year as a practicing member (with a valid practice permit).
    • The ACSLPA office will contact you if your renewal needs more information or feel free to call the office if you have questions.
How do I purchase an optional annual wall display style practice permit?
  • After your fees are paid you can purchase an optional 8 ½” by 11” practice permit certificate through the ACSLPA website.

Click here if you are ready to purchase.

Prepare for Success2023-10-26T14:58:22-06:00

Do you Know Your Member Login information?

    • User ID – the email address on file with ACSLPA
    • Password – only you know your password, if you cannot remember it, use the ‘Forget Your Password’ function, ACSLPA cannot retrieve it.

Is your Profile up-to-date?

    • Review your contact and employment details to ensure accuracy in your profile. Verify that all of your information is up-to-date before you start the renewal process.
    • Ensure your employment details are complete. You will need to report practice hours for each location where you worked during the registration year. If the location is not in your profile, then reporting is a two-step process. Sometimes adding a new practice location requires the assistance of ACSLPA staff which can delay the renewal process.

Have you completed the Jurisprudence exam?

  • All regulated members must complete the jurisprudence education requirements every five years. Reminder notices were sent to those needing to complete the requirement this year; members can also check when they last completed their jurisprudence using the dashboard on the member portal.  Individuals due this year should ideally complete jurisprudence requirements prior to registration renewal, but will have until December 31 as the deadline. Click here for more information.

Is your Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) up-to-date?

    • Your professional liability insurance policy must be valid from January 1 forward. We do NOT require a copy of your PLI to be submittedFor further information on PLI requirements, click here.

Time to calculate your current qualification hours

    • Calculate the hours you worked from January 1 to December 31 (you will need to predict the hours you will work until the end of the year).

Review the Continuing Competence Program

    • Each year there are 3 sections members who want to renew in the general member category (need or want a practice permit) need to complete.
      • Continuing Education Report – check activities you engaged in during the year, provide a quick description of the activities, and indicate the competency areas that were impacted and describe how your competence in that area was improved or supported.
      • Peer Dialogue Reflection – reflect on a conversation you had with a peer, mentor, or supervisor regarding a clinical or professional situation or event where you obtained feedback and/or support that was relevant and impactful to your competence to practice.
      • Risks and Supports Profile – provide a brief summary of your practice scope and setting, then select and provide rationale of risks and supports that apply to your practice.
    • Visit the CCP webpage for information and tips on the program and detailed instructions.
Renewal Requirements2023-10-26T14:59:54-06:00

Professional Liability Insurance

  • All members holding a practice permit, including those on the courtesy register providing a health service directly to the public, are required to hold their own PLI policy. Employer coverage is not acceptable.In addition to holding your own PLI:
      • Requirements are for a minimum $2,000,000.00 coverage per occurrence
      • An extended discovery and reporting period of a minimum of two years is necessary.

Click here for further information on PLI and PLI providers.


You must have completed one of the following requirements to demonstrate current practice of your profession:

i.   Graduated from an approved program not more than three years before applying, or
ii.  Practiced as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist for at least 1250 hours in the five years immediately before renewing, or
iii. Successfully completed approved, refresher education courses in your profession within the previous three years.

Every year at renewal, you will be asked to enter qualification hours for the registration year that is ending.

Current qualification hours include volunteer or paid hours spent in professional practice activities, including the following:

      • clinical practice (including assessment, intervention, consulting, and related professional development);
      • administration/management with respect to health service delivery (including related professional development);
      • research;
      • educating students in SLP, audiology or a related field; and/or
      • participation in Council and committee work with an SLP or Audiology professional body.

Any of the professional practice activities listed here that are accrued as part of doctoral or post-doctoral studies post-qualifying professional degree would also be considered.

Professional development includes coursework, review of scholarly articles and journals, conferences, webinars, etc. Professional development hours are typically accepted as part of current qualification hours if they have been obtained during the normal course of paid or volunteer work.

For non-practicing regulated members who have completed professional development activities while non-practicing and would like to have a reasonable number of these hours included in their currency hours totals, please make this request using the Contact Us form. Please note that currency hours can only be added or modified for the current registration year or for the year immediately preceding the current registration year. Verification of these hours will be required prior to ACSLPA making a decision with regard to their eligibility.

NOTE: ACSLPA reserves the right to request verification of paid or volunteer hours to determine whether they meet current qualification requirements. Volunteer hours will require verification by a supervisor, volunteer coordinator, or client.

Continuing Competence

All practicing members on the General Register must complete the Continuing Competence Program.

Fees are paid in full

Fee Schedule

Additional Information

Currency Hour Requirements at Renewal

Late Submission/Failure to Submit Registration Renewal

Your Name as a Regulated Member on the General Register

Information About Regulated Members That Must be Available to the Government and the Public

Membership Categories2023-09-25T11:00:33-06:00
General Register Regulated Member – Practicing
About this category:

  • Required for speech-language pathologists and audiologists working in clinical, administrative, teaching, or research settings, including those volunteering in their profession in Alberta.
  • These regulated members are issued an annual Practice Permit (valid to December 31) and may use the protected titles of their profession.
  • These regulated members are able to vote and serve on the ACSLPA Council or committees.
  • These regulated members will receive ACSLPA communications.
To be a member under this category, you must:

  • Hold a master’s degree, or equivalent[1], in speech-language pathology or audiology.
  • Meet the current qualifications, good character, and English language proficiency requirements of ACSLPA.
  • Demonstrate you have the required level of Professional Liability Insurance.
  • Participate in the Continuing Competence Program.

[1] Qualifications determined to be substantially equivalent by the ACSLPA Registration Committee in accordance with section 7 of the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation.

General Register Regulated Member – Non-Practicing
About this category:

  • For speech-language pathologists and audiologists who are not active in their practice, i.e., not working or volunteering in Alberta (e.g., medical leave of absence or parental leave).
  • These regulated members do not hold a Practice Permit and may not practice.
  • These regulated members may use the protected titles of their profession followed by the phrase “(Non-Practicing)”.
  • These members will receive ACSLPA communications.
To be a member under this category, you must:

  • Hold a master’s degree, or equivalent[1], in speech-language pathology or audiology.
  • Meet the good character and English language proficiency requirements of ACSLPA.

[1] Qualifications determined to be substantially equivalent by the ACSLPA Registration Committee in accordance with section 7 of the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation.

 Retired/Honourary Member
About this category:

  • For speech-language pathologists and audiologists who are no longer active in their practice.
  • These members do not hold a practice permit and may not practice.
  • These members cannot use the protected titles of their profession.
  • These members will receive ACSLPA communications.
To be a member under this category, you must:

  • Have been previously registered in good standing with ACSLPA,
  • Have had your registration cancelled voluntarily (by completing all the required forms),
  • Not have any outstanding amounts owed to the College,
  • Be of good character and reputation, and
  • Pay any applicable application and registration fees required by Council.
  • Registration/membership for all renewal categories will be suspended if not received on or before December 31; suspended registrations/memberships will be subject to a Reinstatement Fee.
  • You may pay fees by Visa, Visa debit, MasterCard, American Express or e-transfer. There is a $30 payment processing fee for using a different payment method – please visit the Fee Schedule for more information.
  • Your tax receipt is available in the Member Portal immediately upon payment in full.


Practice permits issued to regulated members on the General Register expire December 31 and must be renewed for the upcoming registration year (January 1 – December 31).

  • Renewal applications must be completed (including full payment) before 11:59 pm on December 31, otherwise your registration will be suspended.
  • Renewal applications are completed online through the Member Portal. Applications that do not require the College’s review are approved immediately upon payment in full.
  • Once your renewal application is approved, a practice permit is issued and appears in the Member Portal. You may download and print your practice permit as proof of registration. Employers may use our Public Registry to verify registration.

It is against the law to work in Alberta without a current practice permit. You cannot work in Alberta with expired registration or a practice permit that expired on or before December 31.

Technical help2023-10-23T16:07:28-06:00
  • The email address to login to the Member Portal is the exact email that is on file with ACSLPA. Do Not Click “SIGN UP”.
  • If you do not remember your password, use the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link to reset. You will receive a system-generated email with instructions. Check your junk/spam folder for the system-generated email if you do not receive it in your inbox.
  • Use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari (Mac users). If you do not have access to a recommended browser, the system is mobile friendly, use your mobile phone or tablet.
  • Use the chevron buttons within the system  (less than/greater than symbol) to easily navigate. Do not use your browser’s “back” button as this will take you out of the system.
  • For your protection, the system will log you out after 20 minutes of inactivity and you will need to login again. Remember to save frequently so you do not lose any of your work.
  • ACSLPA staff are here to help. Call between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday (until December 23) 780-944-1609 or send an email through Contact ACSLPA.
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