Statutory Committees
The purpose of the Competence Committee is to carry out activities related to Section 10 (Competence Committee) and Part 3 (Continuing Competence and Practice Visits) of the Health Professions Act (HPA).
The purpose of the Registration Committee is to:
- consider applications for registration and renewal in accordance with sections 5(c), 7, and 12(d) of the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation, and determine:
- substantial equivalency of applicant qualifications, and
- if applicants demonstrate satisfactory current competence.
- impose conditions on new registrants and renewed practice permits in accordance with sections 30 and 40 of the Health Professions Act when it is in the public interest to do so.
- provide recommendations to the Council, either upon request or upon the committee’s own initiative, with respect to registration requirements established in accordance with sections 3, 4, 6, 11, and 18 of the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation.
Membership List
Regulated members can be involved in the complaints and discipline process of the College by being part of the College’s membership list. When part of the membership list, a regulated member may be called upon to participate on a Hearing Tribunal or a Complaint Review Committee. Since 2021, a Hearing Tribunal or a Complaint Review Committee must be 50% public members and 50% regulated members from the membership list.
The objective of the Hearing Tribunal is to hear cases of unprofessional conduct of a regulated member. Members of a Hearing Tribunal are impartial decision makers. They are asked to determine whether unprofessional conduct occurred and determine an appropriate penalty. The Hearing Tribunal is assisted by an independent lawyer. They are also asked to draft the written decision after a hearing.
The objective of the Complaint Review Committee is to review a dismissal of a complaint. Complaints may be dismissed by the Complaints Director and the person who submitted the complaint may ask that it be reviewed. Members of the Complaint Review Committee are impartial decision makers. They review the dismissal, materials and determine whether a dismissal should be upheld.
If you are interested in joining the membership list, please send an email to the College via the Contact ACSLPA form to apply. Pursuant to section 15 of the Health Professions Act, the membership list must be appointed by the College’s council. Generally, appointments occur annually, and individuals are appointed for periods of three years. Training is provided and an honorarium is paid to the regulated members of the membership list who participate on a Hearing Tribunal or Complaint Review Committee, following the College’s policies and procedures.
Ad-hoc Committees
SLP Advance Practice Advisory
To develop advanced authorization requirements for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) who seek to perform the restricted activity of ordering ionizing radiation for the purpose of videofluoroscopic swallowing studies (VFSS).
Council Committees
Audit and Risk Management
The Audit and Risk Management Committee helps the Council carry out its due-diligence function related to ensuring the financial, operational, and regulatory health of the College including its ability to deliver on its obligations and meet its goals and monitoring of:
- the financial reporting process;
- selection of the independent auditor;
- internal and external audit results;
- the internal controls and risk management systems;
- regulatory compliance;
- effectiveness of financial and operational reporting for council; and
- critical operational systems and policies.
The Executive Committee helps the Council fulfill its responsibilities and meet its objectives with respect to the:
- performance of Council and of individual Council members;
- performance, evaluation and compensation of senior leaders; and
- high-level human resources strategy for ACSLPA.
If you would like to express your interest in joining a College committee, please contact the ACSLPA office.
If you would like to express your interest in joining a College committee, please contact the ACSLPA office.