The daily operations, regulatory, member services and administrative functions of ACSLPA are managed by the Registrar & CEO with the support of a small office team. To contact one of ACSLPA’s staff members, please call the main number 780-944-1609 or toll free at 1-800-537-0589 and use their extension.

To email, please use our Contact Us form.

Staff Members

Registrar & CEO

Melanie Sicotte (she/her), R.SLP

c e o @ a c s l p a . c a

Deputy Registrar

Susan Rafaat (she/her), R.SLP

deputyregistrar@ a c s l p a . c a

Professional Conduct & Regulatory Advisor

Sharia Ali (she/her), R.SLP

Extension #105
complaints director@ a c s l p a . c a

Audiology Advisor

Renae Phillips (she/her), R.Aud

Extension #108
a u d i o l o g y @ a c s l p a . c a

Senior Regulatory Coordinator

Susan Kraft (she/her)

Extension #104
r e g i s t r a t i o n @ a c s l p a . c a

Regulatory Coordinator

Paula Martin (she/her)

Extension #102
c c p@a c s l p a . c a

Shelly Monson

Senior Operations Coordinator

Shelly Monson (she/her)

Extension #103
c o n n e c t @ a c s l p a . c a

Operations Coordinator

Mckenzie Henze (he/they)

Extension #101
a d m i n @ a c s l p a . c a

Operations Coordinator

Tricia Gherbaz (she/her)

Extension #114
o p s@a c s l p a . c a