New Applicant
The Registration staff manages all registration questions and may be reached at:
Tel: 780-944-1609 or 1-800-537-0589 |
Your application for registration with ACSLPA must be completed and submitted using the online portal and application form. You will be required to create a profile with ACSLPA to complete the online application for registration process.
After all the necessary documents are received, the Registrar will review your application and will then:
- Approve you for registration and issue an annual practice permit; or
- Approve you for registration and issue an annual practice permit with specific conditions, limits, or restrictions on your practice, or
- Refer your application to the Registration Committee.
- Missing documents will delay the review process.
- Registration applications expire six months after the date we receive the application form. If we receive documents to support the application, but not the application form itself within 6 months from receipt of the first document, we will close the application and destroy the documents. Applicants who anticipate difficulties submitting all required documentation within the six-month timeline should contact the Senior Regulatory Coordinator to discuss the specifics of their circumstance.
- In the interests of privacy, ACSLPA staff will only discuss the specifics of an application or registration with the individual applicant or member, unless written permission has been granted to allow disclosure of information to a third party.
The length of time required for a registration decision will vary, but in general, is as follows:
Applicant Type | Approximate Minimum Length of Time Required to Process Application* |
Graduates of a Canadian Accredited Program (not registered with another SLP/audiology regulatory body in Canada). | 1 – 2 weeks |
New Graduates of a United States (US) American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Accredited Program | 2 – 3 weeks |
Applicable if you are moving to practice in Alberta and are currently registered in a fully practicing regulated membership category in any Canadian province. All Canadian provinces regulate the professions of SLP and Audiology. Please note that the Canadian territories do not currently regulate SLP and Audiology practice (click here to review categories). | 1 – 2 weeks |
Applicants registered in a fully practicing membership category with an SLP/Audiology licensing body in the US that has substantially equivalent requirements to ACSLPA** | 2 – 3 weeks |
All other applicants (e.g., applicants educated outside of Canada or the US, graduates of non-accredited Canadian and American programs, applicants from American jurisdictions that do not have substantially equivalent requirements to ACSLPA). | Variable but typically within 2 – 4 months*** |
* This is the minimum length of time we need to process your application after you have submitted all the required documents.
** These applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in order to determine substantial equivalency.
*** This is not the length of time it will take to become registered; this is the length of time it will take to receive an interim registration decision (e.g., determination of substantial equivalency of qualifications, clearance to complete an entry-to-practice examination, approval of conditional registration for the purposes of completing supervised practice, or any additional requirements).
The Registrar may refer your application to the Registration Committee if they decide that you need further assessment to determine if you meet the registration requirements. Applications received from individuals who were trained outside of a Canadian or American accredited university program in SLP or Audiology are typically reviewed by the Registration Committee. The next meeting of the ACSLPA Registration Committee will be held on September 6, 2024.
ACSLPA’s Registration Committee meets six times per year, on the second Friday of January, March, May, July, September, and November (Please note: these dates are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances). We require all documentation a minimum of three weeks prior to a committee meeting in order to prepare the application package for their review.
After the Registration Committee reviews your application, they will do one or more of the following:
- Approve your registration and issue you an annual practice permit,
- Approve your registration and issue you an annual practice permit with specified conditions on practice,
- Defer your application with an interim decision until you successfully complete an examination that the Registration Committee specifies,
- Defer your application with an interim decision until you successfully complete any additional training or supervised practice that the Registration Committee specifies, or
- Refuse your application.
You will be notified by email of the decision regarding your application for registration and the reason(s) for the decision. Under section 31(3) of the Health Professions Act (HPA), if your application was refused, deferred, or approved with conditions or limitations, you have the right, within 30 days of receiving the notice, to request a review of the decision.
You must request your review in writing (email is acceptable), setting out the reason(s) why your application for registration should be approved with or without conditions, and then send it to the Registrar.
The Registrar will then convene a sub-committee of the ACSLPA Council, who will review your application. You will be notified within 30 days of the place, date, and time of the review, and of any applicable fees for the review. Please note that there is a $100 fee to apply to Council for a review of a registration decision under section 31 of the HPA. This fee will be refunded if the outcome of the review overturns the original decision.
Following the review, a written decision will be provided to you regarding the appeal committee’s decision.