A professional may be registered with the College in one of the following categories:

When an individual becomes registered as an SLP or audiologist with ACSLPA, their name is officially recorded on either the General Register or Courtesy Register and they obtain a practice permit. The following sections look at these registers in more detail.

The General Register (status: practicing) lists the SLPs and audiologists who are entitled to practice in Alberta. This includes SLPs and audiologists working or volunteering in clinical, administrative, teaching, or research settings.

These regulated members:

  • are issued an annual practice permit;
  • may use the protected titles of their profession;
  • are able to vote and serve on the ACSLPA Council or committees; and
  • receive ACSLPA communications.

Being listed on the General Register as practicing informs colleagues, clients, and members of the public that the professional has the required education and skills to practice competently and is registered with the College. The General Register is always current and is available on the ACSLPA website. This allows anyone to verify who is registered to practice in Alberta.

The General Register (status: non-practicing) includes SLPs and audiologists who are not currently active in professional practice — e.g. not working or not volunteering in Alberta because of a medical, parental, or personal leave.

These regulated members:

  • do not hold a practice permit and may not practice;
  • may use the protected titles of their profession followed by the phrase non-practicing;
  • receive ACSLPA communications; and
  • may participate on the ACSLPA Council and on ACSLPA committees if they have held a practice permit within the preceding three years.
The Courtesy Register allows practitioners registered in good standing in another regulated jurisdiction (e.g. in another province or in the U.S.) to be registered in Alberta for a short time. A list of acceptable purposes for courtesy registration is available on the ACSLPA website.

Registration on the Courtesy Register allows a practitioner to practice for up to a maximum of 100 hours in a given 365-day period. Courtesy registrations are not eligible for renewal; subsequent applications for registration on the Courtesy Register may be submitted as needed.

These regulated members:

  • Are issued a practice permit for a specified period and time and may use the protected titles of their profession.
  • Are granted practicing permission only for the time needed to complete the professional services in Alberta.
  • Must carry sufficient professional liability insurance (if the purpose of registration is to provide a health service to the public).
  • Must provide evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that they have the necessary competencies to carry out the purpose(s) for which registration is requested.

Cross-Provincial Practice Agreement

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) across Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Saskatchewan allows for registrants, who hold a full practicing license in one participating province (the primary province), to be registered in another participating province (the secondary province) and provide a limited amount of care across provincial boundaries.

The Cross-Provincial Practice Agreement:

  • Makes it easier and more cost effective for SLPs and Audiologists already registered in a primary province to register and provide professional services in a secondary province.
  • Requires that regulated members provide the majority of their professional services in their primary province and maintain registration in that province.
  • Allows for registration that is valid for 12 months and allows practitioners to provide professional services up to a maximum of 200 hours.
  • Does not allow for renewal of registration; subsequent applications for cross-provincial practice may be submitted as needed.

Additional Information

Full details regarding the Courtesy Register are available on the ACSLPA website. More information on the cross-provincial practice agreement can also be found on the ACSLPA website.

Retired/Honourary Members are no longer active in the practice of their profession in Alberta or in any other jurisdiction (e.g. retired).

These members:

  • do not hold a practice permit and may not practice;
  • cannot use the protected titles of their profession but may use the titles retired member of ACSLPA or honourary member of ACSLPA; and
  • receive ACSLPA communications.

Note: All retired members must have been previously registered and in good standing with ACSLPA. Retired members must have cancelled their registration voluntarily and remain of good character and reputation. All applicable fees must be paid without any outstanding amounts owed to the College.