Mandatory Registration
- Under the HPA, registration with ACSLPA is mandatory for SLPs and audiologists in Alberta if they meet the requirements for registration and if they intend to provide any professional services of their profession.
- Registration is mandatory regardless of whether the work is paid or unpaid (i.e., volunteer), clinical or non-clinical, or full-time, part-time, or casual.
- Mandatory registration reassures the public and employers that a practitioner has met the standards required for practice and providing safe and competent care.
- Failure to register may result in a request for registration from the Registrar. Non-compliance with a request to register is an offence and may result in a fine and/or imprisonment.
- The HPA prohibits anyone from knowingly employing an individual who is required to be registered with the College but is not.
- Individuals who are required to be registered with ACSLPA but are not should be reported to the College.
- The Public Register on ACSLPA’s website allows anyone to verify the registration of an SLP or audiologists.
Registration Requirements
- ACSLPA has a legislated responsibility to establish, maintain, and enforce standards for registration.
- In order to become registered with the College, applicants must meet requirements for:
- Education;
- Currency of qualifications;
- Good character and reputation;
- Professional liability insurance; and
- English language proficiency.
ACSLPA Registers
- When an individual registers as an SLP or Audiologist with ACSLPA, their name is officially listed on one of the College’s registers.
- A registrant with the College may be listed on one of the following registers:
- General Register (regulated)
- With practice permit (practicing)
- Without practice permit (non-practicing)
- Courtesy Register (regulated)
- Retired/Honourary Member Register (non-regulated)
- General Register (regulated)
- Federal legislation allows an SLP or Audiologist who is regulated in one jurisdiction in Canada to apply for registration in another regulated jurisdiction without having to undergo any additional training, examinations, or assessment.
- The HPA requires that certain information be included on regulated member registers, including the regulated members’ full names, registration number, and any conditions on the members’ practice permit.
- Register information must be provided by the College to any member of the public upon request.
- It is the responsibility of the regulated member to ensure that their name, contact information, and practice and employer information is up to date in their Member Profile.
- Regulated members may:
- change their status from practicing to non-practicing;
- change their status non-practicing to practicing (resuming active practice); or
- resign from the College by submitting the required online forms.
Practice Permits
- SLPs and audiologists may not provide professional services or use the protected titles of the profession unless they are registered with ACSLPA and hold a valid practice permit.
- A practice permit is required regardless of whether a practitioner is engaging in paid or unpaid work, providing clinical or non-clinical services, or whether they are working full-time, part-time, or casual.
- A regulated member’s practice permit must be on display in their workplace or be made available for inspection upon request.
- Regardless of when a practice permit is issued during the registration year (January 1 to December 31), it expires every year on December 31.
- Regulated members wishing to renew their practice permit must submit a complete application for registration and practice permit renewal, including fees and a completed Continuing Competence Program, every year, before the deadline dates specified in the Bylaws.
- Late practice permit renewal submissions cannot be ignored, and extensions cannot be granted.
- Failure to renew will result in practice permit suspension, which means that the regulated member may not work or volunteer in their profession in the new registration year.
- Regulated members are required by law to notify their employer if conditions on their practice permit change (e.g., that their permit is suspended).