A practice permit serves as a ‘license’ to practice and use the professional titles of a profession. SLPs and Audiologists may not provide professional services or use the protected titles of their profession unless they are registered with ACSLPA and hold a valid practice permit. A valid practice permit is required whether the professional provides paid or volunteer services, clinical or non-clinical services, or whether they work full-time, part-time, or casual.

Being registered with ACSLPA and possessing a practice permit are two distinct yet related components of being an ACSLPA regulated member. One can be registered without holding a practice permit, but one must be both registered and hold a practice permit in order to be eligible to work as an SLP or Audiologist in Alberta. The distinction between being registered and holding a practice permit is discussed in more detail below.

Registration Practice Permit
Official acknowledgement that a practitioner meets the requirements for registration with the College. Formal authorization for the practitioner to provide the professional services of their profession.
Issued to all regulated members meeting registration requirements, whether they are currently providing professional services or not.

Both practicing and non-practicing members of ACSLPA are registered with ACSLPA.

Only issued to registered members who are currently actively practicing their profession.

 Regulated members registered on the General – Practicing and Courtesy Registers are issued practice permits, whereas General – Non-Practicing regulated members are not issued practice permits.

A regulated member’s practice permit must be on display in their workplace or be made available for inspection upon the request of any person.

Regulated members are encouraged to refer people to the ACSLPA website for verification of their registration and practice permit.

Note: Under the HPA, the College is required to notify an employer when a practice permit is suspended or conditions applied.

Just like a register, the HPA also states what information must be included on the practice permit.

“A practice permit must include:

  1. the name of the regulated member;
  2. the regulated member’s unique registration number;
  3. the name of the college issuing the practice permit;
  4. a statement that the practice permit is issued pursuant to the Health Professions Act;
  5. any conditions imposed on the regulated member’s practice permit;
  6. the category of registration if the college has more than one category of regulated member; and
  7. the expiry date of the practice permit.”

HPA, s.36(3)

The ACSLPA registration year is from January 1 to December 31. Regardless of when a General Register practice permit is issued, it expires every year on December 31. Courtesy Register practice permits may be approved for up to one year from the date of issue.

In order to renew a practice permit, regulated members must submit their complete application for registration and practice permit renewal, including fees and completion of the Continuing Competence Program, every year, before the renewal deadlines specified in the ACSLPA Bylaws.

Under the HPA, if an application for practice permit renewal is not received by the date provided for in the Bylaws, the member’s practice permit is suspended. The Registrar will then give the regulated member 30 days’ notice before cancelling the individual’s registration and practice permit.

The College will notify both the practitioner and the practitioner’s employer when a practice permit is suspended or conditions are applied to the permit; however, officially it is the regulated member’s responsibility to notify their employer if conditions on their practice permit change.

HPA, s. 47(2)(b)