The HPA states what information must be recorded on a register for regulated members, and ACSLPA has expanded on these requirements in its Bylaws. Any information that is required is requested upon application for registration and practice permit renewal.

The register must include the following information:

  1. the full name of the regulated member;
  2. the member’s unique registration number;
  3. whether the member’s registration is restricted to a period of time and, if so, [when];
  4. any conditions imposed on the member’s practice permit;
  5. the status of the member’s practice permit, including whether it is suspended or cancelled;
  6. the member’s practice specialization recognized by the College (note that ACSLPA currently does not recognize any specializations);
  7. whether the member is authorized to provide [an irregular] restricted activity; and
  8. whether the member is not authorized to provide [a regular] restricted activity.

HPA, s.33(3)

Under the HPA, register information must be provided by the College to any member of the public, upon request, respecting applicable timeframes. The College is required to provide register information to the Minister of Health for the purposes of planning and resource allocation, health system management, public health surveillance and health policy development, or providing information about regulated health professionals to the public.

Note: The College also maintains regulated members’ contact, practice, and employment information. This type of information is NOT released to the public.

It is important that the information on college registers is accurate and up to date. The College may need to contact regulated members regarding issues that affect their practice. The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation requires that a regulated member notify the Registrar of any changes to their information, including changes to their name, contact information, or employer or practice information.

Note: In the case of a name change, a copy of official documentation providing proof of legal name change(s) may be required (e.g., marriage, name change, or divorce certificates).

For more information, visit the status & name change page on the ACSLPA website.

Any regulated member of ACSLPA who wishes to change their registration status must submit their request to the College. A change in registration status may be requested in the following scenarios:

  • practicing → non-practicing;
  • non-practicing → practicing (resuming active practice); or
  • resignation.

Applicable registration fees and refunds are listed on the Fee Schedule on the ACSLPA website.

A member who requests that their status be changed from non-practicing to practicing is subject to the current registration and qualification requirements at the time of application for a status change. This includes education, current practice, and examination requirements. Depending on the length of time that a person has not practiced, they may be required to complete an examination and/or a period of supervised practice in order to return to practicing status.

SLPs and Audiologists who are no longer in practice or who have left Alberta and no longer wish to maintain their registration status with ACSLPA should formally resign from ACSLPA.

If a person does not advise the College of their request to resign, is in default of payment, or fails to meet the requirements for practice permit renewal, the Registrar will notify the individual that their practice permit is suspended. This means that their registration will be cancelled after 30 days unless a complete application for a practice permit renewal is received and all required fees are paid.

Note: An individual who resigns from the College or has had their registration cancelled, and wishes to reapply for registration at a future date, must meet all the registration requirements in place at the time of their application. These requirements include education, current practice, and examination requirements.